Cara Setup Tableau for Students
Langkah pertama kunjungi tautan berikut:
Jika tidak muncul form, silahkan klik tombol (button) "GET TABLEAU FOR FREE".
Masukan informasi berikut:
Contact Information​
Key | Value |
Legal First Name | Kaesa nama depan Anda |
Legal Last Name | Lyrih nama terakhir Anda |
School-Issued Email | email mahasiswa |
Confirm School-Issued Email | email mahasiswa |
Date of birth | Month (Bulan) > Day (Hari) > Year (Tahun) tanggal lahir |
Preferred Language | English |
Country/Region of Residence | Indonesia |
☑ Checklist
Yes, I would like to receive marketing communications prcxiucts, servk:es, and events. I can at any time.
School Information​
Key | Value |
Country/Region of School | Indonesia |
School Name | Universitas Dian Nuswantoro |
Anticipated Graduation Year | Jika 2020 pilih 2024/2025 bulan Agustus |
How will you be using your Tableau license? | Learning on own |
Selanjutnya, buka email mahasiswa kalian, nanti akan mendapatkan email dari [email protected]
dan anda bisa mendapatkan License/Product Key.